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El fundador de Ebay, Pierre Omidyar, y su primera subasta online

En el archivo de Google Groups (usenet), encontré por casualidad la primera subasta de Pierre Omidyar, fundador de Ebay que data de 1994.

Subject: Cellular Phone For Sale
NEC P201 Cellular Phone
40 Number memory
light, portable
desk charger
car lighter adapter
excellent condition

Make offer.


"Make offer", decía. Luego fundó Auction Web, que más tarde se iba a convertir en Ebay. Todo comenzó con la venta de un teléfono.


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We are all for Net Neutrality, but what about Search Neutrality?

Google is making a strong public lobby for net neutrality. The same is eBay doing . For those who care, I am for net neutrality too. But if we declare the net as a neutral channel that cannot be modified by commercial interests, shouldn't we think in doing the same with search companies? If AT&T cannot ban Google for a commercial sake, due to net neutrality; why can Google ban AT&T site from its index if they want, without giving any further explanation? Isn't it a contradiction? Shall we think in something like "search neutrality"? I am not sure, it is just a thought.