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Google avanza sobre las principales industrias

Ahora desde Google han lanzado una serie de micrositios dirigidos a captar avisos. Un ejemplo es el que destinaron al sector de la salud:

Allí ofrece algunos argumentos interesantes para vender, especialmente direccionados a ese mercado:
(en inglés)

"Remember the old line that those who were so inclined robbed banks "because that's where the money is"? Today, the money is online, when we talk about advertising"

"Forrester Research estimates that consumers will buy $11 billion of prescription and OTC drugs online in 2003. And also reports that pharmaceutical companies will double their online ad budgets between 2001 and 2004."

"Google drives more than 40 percent of the traffic physician sites receive and 38 percent of the traffic that healthcare sites receive"

Otro de los micrositios está direccionado al sector de los medios y se accede via esta URL :

Más allá de AdWords: Adsense

Google está resolviendo bien el viejo dilema de la web de cómo lucrar con la publicidad online. Ahora se está metiendo de lleno en el negocio de la distribución de sus avisos de texto a cualquier tipo de sitio. De eso se trata AdSense.

Lo novedoso es que aplican la tecnología de AdWords a cualquier sitio que se quiera asociar, sin importar si tiene diez lecturas o cinco millones.


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We are all for Net Neutrality, but what about Search Neutrality?

Google is making a strong public lobby for net neutrality. The same is eBay doing . For those who care, I am for net neutrality too. But if we declare the net as a neutral channel that cannot be modified by commercial interests, shouldn't we think in doing the same with search companies? If AT&T cannot ban Google for a commercial sake, due to net neutrality; why can Google ban AT&T site from its index if they want, without giving any further explanation? Isn't it a contradiction? Shall we think in something like "search neutrality"? I am not sure, it is just a thought.