No soy experto en bolsa, pero si tuviera como invertir a corto plazo, me jugaría unos pesos a comprar GOOG hoy a la mañana y ganar un 5-7% en un día gracias al rebote. Se verá.
Google is making a strong public lobby for net neutrality. The same is eBay doing . For those who care, I am for net neutrality too. But if we declare the net as a neutral channel that cannot be modified by commercial interests, shouldn't we think in doing the same with search companies? If AT&T cannot ban Google for a commercial sake, due to net neutrality; why can Google ban AT&T site from its index if they want, without giving any further explanation? Isn't it a contradiction? Shall we think in something like "search neutrality"? I am not sure, it is just a thought.